
This repository is created to showcase the task provided by Martin Glauer.

Please read the Github Page for better aesthetics.


1. Create a database schema using SQLAlchemy that can store the data provided in the file. 
2. A function that reads the file and stores the data in the tables from 1. Hint: This function should be able to handle large datasets (several GB) without flooding my RAM ;)
3. A function that queries the database for all students that got grade  1.0 in at least 3 classes and prints all results (In the example file that  would be  Milana)

Requirements :



Usage :

Before running the main.py , please change the PostgreSQL server details in the db.py file. The username , password and IP address has to be changed to connect to your PostgreSQL server.

python main.py  -h --db_name DB_NAME --csv_file_path CSV_FILE_PATH

Example :

python main.py --db_name tasks --csv_file_path test_data_files/task.csv

SQLAlchemy Task code

optional arguments:
  -h ,--help                    show this help message and exit
  --db_name DB_NAME             "Database name to be connected"
  --csv_file_path CSV_FILE_PATH "File path of the CSV dataset"

DB_NAME is the database that has been created in the Postgres server to which the user wants to connect for further processing.



The image explains the purpose of the SQLAlchemy. It creates a connection between the program and the database for interaction. The Object Relational Mapping functionality helps to code in python without the hassle as in raw SQL and be more pythonic.



The dataset or the CSV file contains 3 columns : name , grade and course.



As mentioned in the task, the databse schema was created using the SQLAlchemy in the file named schema.py. It was defined by creating a class for a table in the database and defining the columns by its name and data types. The auto_increment functionality of the primary key was also implemented with Sequence function in SQLAlchemy for the PostgreSQL database.

class Task(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'task_table'
    id = Column(Integer, TABLE_ID , primary_key=True , server_default=TABLE_ID.next_value() )
    name = Column(String)
    grade = Column(Float)
    courses = Column(String)

This solves the task 1.

To solve the tasks I created two solutions.

  1. Using SQLite to process small datasets that can be run without creating a server. I wanted to create an initial working prototype so I chose to develop in the Colab notebook environment.
  2. The second solution was to create a server locally using PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL provides a dashboard to manage the databases creates the transactions on persistent memory and clears the RAM.

The SQLite implementation is provided in the Colab notebook version. The PostgreSQL version is provided in the src folder. The usage of this folder is provided above.

Read dataset

code snippet for reading

 with open(file_path,'r') as f :
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') # An iterator object
        next(reader) #skipping the header
        print("CSV File parsed")
        for row in reader:  # reading the rows one by one for efficiency

Insert data to Database

code snippet for insertion into database

# appending the table objects to the list 
            name = row[0],
            grade = row[1],
            courses = row[2]
# For small files
if lines == numline-1:
    print("Data Added")

# For large files insert after 1000 reads
elif lines % 1000 == 0 :

    print("Number of lines added : {}".format(lines))

    object = [] - The read and insert solves the task 2. 


code snippet for query

session.query(func.count(database_class.courses),database_class.name).filter_by(grade=1.0).group_by(database_class.name).having(func.count(database_class.courses)>= 3.0)` 


The output provides the names of all the students who have 1.0 in atleast 3 courses in the format of (Number_of_courses , Name). Eg: (3 , Milana)



I have attached the usage of the RAM while doing a one by one addition of the user to the database and by doing a bulk insertion to the database.

One by one insertion


Bulk insertion


By doing a bulk insertion the usage of the RAM is reduced during the insertion to the database.

The usage of the PostgreSQL was useful in creating a local server and having a user interface to deal with the database. The following image indicates the raw SQL statement on the pgAdmin interface. raw_sql

The insertion of large datasets more than 5 million lines of data takes a significantly longer time but the memory usage due to line by line process and bulk insert.

The results on the experiment runs have been attached in the Test images folder

Future Work
